Claire's Death- My Rebirth

I can't believe how hard it's been for me to move past Claire's death. Part of me is writing a book inside called Claire's Death- My Rebirth but there is no actual writing to date because the rebirth is not happening. I'm feeling lost without my girl. I think I was more in love with her than merely loving her but that sounds weird and even a bit kinky. But now I realize it's true. I loved her but was actually more in love with her. What I feel now is confused and lost. No wonder it's so hard to get past her death.

Some of you who are reading this are thinking that poor Lena has gone off the deep end. Many more of you know exactly what I'm referring to- a type of connection that can't ever be put into words. Therefore I will stop trying and suffice it to say that I miss my girl more than I ever thought possible.