Lena's blog

Roy Boy's Story

For all of you Roy Boy fans this is how I found him! Here is his story from the Retrieve a Golden of Minnesota (RAGOM) website.

I discovered Roy Boy 4 and 1/2years ago. (It's hard to believe I didn't even have him five years.) His name was Fuzzy which did not seem to fit his essence at all. I asked him what he wanted to be called and he came up with Roy. I added Boy because I thought it was cute. Later I googled the name Roy and found out it means red hair in Gaelic! The guy was a genius from the start!

Goodbye Mystic (for now)

Dear Friends,

Our beloved Mystic left us on Tuesday with the help of one of my favorite vets and vet techs. He was almost fifteen years old and was tired. His left hip was shot and walking was becoming extremely difficult. I was more and more worried about a debilitating fall and the subsequent pain and trauma. Mystic was ready.

Roy Boy and Class Updates

How quickly things happen these days with the speeding up of time! Zalee let me know that I needed to adopt a dog sooner than later and of course I followed her directions. Who could disobey a deceased loved one?

Give to the Max Day and The Kitten Story Part I

The Kitten Story

My kitten saga began on July 11 of this year, the day I returned home from a wonderful vacation on the North Shore of Lake Superior. My neighbor informed me that she had a mother cat and five kittens living under her deck. Not being an animal lover in any sense of the word her plan was to trap them and bring them to animal control. Of course this meant certain death because nobody would claim them during the five day waiting period. I asked her to please let me trap them and find homes instead.

Using Claire/Zeus as a Tease for the Edge Life Expo!

You know how a radio announcer will always give a tease for what's to come after the commercial break so you'll keep listening? Well I am resorting to this type of shameless manipulation by saving the story of Claire coming back as Zeus for my upcoming keynote next Sunday at the Edge Life Expo. Of course I will blog about it after the event but I do think you will find my talk on "Animals and Death- What They Teach Us About the Dying Process and Beyond" quite interesting. Information on the Expo is below. Also some photos of both Claire and Zeus.

Claire: She's Back!

She's back and her name is Zeus!

More later...

Thinking and Rethinking

I'm beginning to rethink my choice of topics for my keynote talk at the upcoming Edge Life Expo in November. After Claire's death and the passing of many of my animal communication clients I decided to talk about "Animals and Death -What They Teach Us About the Dying Process and Beyond". I thought I had more than enough material for the talk both from a personal perspective and from those animals I have communicated with before and after death.

Rebirth Begins

I'm not sure what it is about me. Maybe it's just that I'm a human being struggling with human being-ness. As Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead observed, "We're all just bozos on the bus!" I'm definitely a bozo. Possibly a queen bozo at that.

Claire's Death- My Rebirth

I can't believe how hard it's been for me to move past Claire's death. Part of me is writing a book inside called Claire's Death- My Rebirth but there is no actual writing to date because the rebirth is not happening. I'm feeling lost without my girl. I think I was more in love with her than merely loving her but that sounds weird and even a bit kinky. But now I realize it's true. I loved her but was actually more in love with her. What I feel now is confused and lost. No wonder it's so hard to get past her death.

Claire's Death - One Week Later

Today it's been a week since she passed on. I realize how much of my attention she always insisted on getting as I open up once again to the other animal souls in my family.

We are all hurting in our own way.

There is an errie silence in the house.

All of the dog toys are laying around inside instead of being collected and delivered to the great outdoors.

I wait for a sign of her presence but receive none.

It's lonely.

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