Twin Cities Healing Symposium 2009

Keynote Address by Lena Swanson

10:30 am - 12:30 pm

$19 (fee includes your $6 entrance fee to the Healing Symposium)

Pre-registration is strongly encouraged.  Call 763.427.1312 to reserve your space. 

Shamanism as a Healing and Spiritual Path

Join shamanic practitioner Lena Swanson in a fascinating introduction to the ancient practice of shamanism. In this workshop you will be introduced to core shamanism as both a personal healing and spiritual practice. Lena will guide participants in exploring shamanic journeying techniques and assist in each person's discovery of and connection with their own shamanic power animal. She will also discuss the use of shamanic healing techniques with our animal companions! The classic book Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner's Guide by Sandra Ingerman will be available for purchase at a discount. Participants will also receive a voucher for 10 percent off any of Lena's full-day classes!

Bring rattles and drums if you have them, a bandanna or other eye cover, a blanket, notebook and pen, and your openness to entering the extraordinary world of shamanic journeying. You will never think of ‘reality' in the same way again!

Additional Information

Click on the link below to see the Healing Symposium event flyer.

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